Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 4, 2015
    Băng Keo 2 mặt 3M 93015 dán cảm ứng dính cao chịu nhiệt 4mmx55m

    Giới thiệu tới các bạn sản phẩm băng keo 2 mặt trong suốt siêu dính của 3M (3M 93015). 
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    Sản phẩm chịu được nhiệt độ cao lên đến 150 độ C.

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    iPad 2 Wi-Fi EMC 2415 Front Panel Adhesive Strips Replacement
    Step 1  Home Button 

    Image #1
      Carefully grasp the home button with a pair of tweezers.
      Gently lower and place the home button into the round opening located at the bottom of the front panel.
      The correct orientation of the home button is shown in the third picture. Make sure the back of the home button is face up and the flat portion of the inner home button circle is oriented to the top of the iPad.

    EditStep 2  Front Panel Adhesive Strips 

    Image #1
      The two small notched trapezoidal strips will be used to attach the home button bracket to the front panel.
      Carefully peel off the first trapezoidal adhesive strip.

    EditStep 3 

    Image #1
      Using a pair of tweezers, place the first trapezoidal adhesive strip (minding its correct orientation) on the matching side of the home button mounting bracket.
      Make sure to line up the profile of the strip with the edge of the mounting bracket.
      Repeat the procedure for the second trapezoidal adhesive strip.

    EditStep 4 

    Image #1
      Use a pair of tweezers to grasp the corner of one of the adhesive strips placed on the mounting bracket.
      Lift and peel the brown backing up off the adhesive strip, revealing the clear adhesive strip.
      Repeat the procedure for the secondary adhesive strip.

    1 EditStep 5 

    Image #1
      Gently place the home button mounting bracket on top of the home button.
      Make sure the home button mounting bracket is lined up with the bottom of the digitizer.

    EditStep 6 

    Image #1
      In the following steps, you will be placing the remaining pieces of adhesive on the front panel.
      Do not peel the brown backing off the strips just yet.
      Place the largest L-shaped adhesive strip on the top left corner of the front panel.
      Smooth the strip down from the center out, taking care to not trap any air bubbles between the strip and the front panel.

    EditStep 7 

    Image #1
      Place the thinnest L-shaped adhesive strip on the bottom left corner of the front panel.

    1 EditStep 8 

    Image #1
      Place the remaining thin L-shaped adhesive strip on the top right corner of the front panel, near the camera mounting bracket.

    EditStep 9 

    Image #1
      Place the straight adhesive strip on the right side of the front panel.
        If you've already attached the digitizer cable, you'll have to work around/under it to attach this strip.

    EditStep 10 

    Image #1
      Place the last L-shaped adhesive strip on the bottom right corner of the front panel.

    3 EditStep 11 

    Image #1
      Lay the thin T-shaped adhesive strip between the bottom edge of the inner frame of the front panel and the camera mounting bracket. The longest edge should be flush with the inner frame.


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